It's down to our unique business model. At CATZO, you're shopping items from our luxury brands and partner boutiques worldwide.

Prices are determined by each CATZO brand and partner boutique, so the price of the same item may vary depending on where it's coming from and your location. That's also why placing an item in your shopping bag or wishlist won't reserve it at a particular price.

Although we don’t have any control over price variation, we'll always offer you the best price available to your destination when you place your order.

To view the most accurate prices, select your delivery destination on our website.

Information I Collect

To fulfil your order, you must provide me with certain information, such as your name, email address, postal address, payment information, and the details of the product that you’re ordering. You may also choose to provide me with additional personal information (for a custom order, for example), if you contact me directly.

Why I Need Your Information and How I Use It